Why Choose UK
- The UK is the home of modern education, and high standards are the norm across most UK universities.
- The UK has introduced an attractive 2 years post study visa, which allows you sufficient time to chart your career within the UK.
- The UK admission process is straightforward in comparison to universities in the US.
- The overall cost of studying in the UK is significantly lower than the USA, despite offering comparable quality of life and education.

Course Duration
- Undergraduate degrees can be completed in 3 years (except for Scotland where they take 4 years).
- Many universities offer a year of industry placement during the undergraduate course, which takes the course length to 4 years. These are referred to as “sandwich” courses.
- Masters and MBA courses are typically 1 year in length.
- Most courses have the option to study part time, which means a course could be completed in almost double the above timelines, fully officially and without any negative connotations.

Fees and scholarships
- Tuition fees range from GBP 10,000 TO 25,000 annually.The cost of living is between 12- 20,000 GBP annually, depending on the city you choose to study in.
- Remember- the course duration is usually shorter than in the USA, so consolidated costs can be significantly cheaper.
- Scholarships are harder to come by though, and scholarship amounts are lower.
How to apply
The application is based on your academic transcripts, personal statement, reference letters and English proficiency. Proof of fund availability required.
- No SAT/GRE/GMAT is required, though each of the required documents carries a lot of importance.
- Almost all students wishing to study an undergraduate degree in the UK need to apply through UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service.Students can select five universities per application, and must supply all documents.
- Applicants for Postgraduate (Master’s and above) courses apply to their university of choice directly.
How we help
We identify universities where your application has a good chance of success
- We help you arrange your documents to avoid incorrect applications.
- We help identify scholarships and funding options that may suit your specific situation.
- We help draft your personal statement, and also suggest on formats for a good reference letter.
- We help draft your communication with the admissions officers of the universities.
- We have our own native English speaking tutors, and our proprietary IELTS modules, to help you score high marks on the mandatory English proficiency tests.
- We are UK based, and also offer free practical advice on life in the UK, getting set up and getting around, difference. between cities, advice on living in student accommodation vs living on your own etc.